Update: March 2020
Following Conrad being interviewed on Radio NZ, we have decided to make another short run for those of you who want to help.
If you would like to order a sign, please email us at fundraising@s2.co.nz Signs are $30 each, please also let us know the design you’d like to buy.
All profits raised will be donated to the amazing charity, NZ Gifts of Love and Strength
Thank you all for your kind words and support.
Kia Kaha Signs
On the 15th March, our world was turned on its head. I wish I had words that are fitting, but I don’t think there are words for moments like these. I think Conrad, age 6, summed it up best when he said ‘I just feel a bit weird, and confused by it all’.
It didn’t take long for us to decide, words or no words, it was time for action. Time for us to do our part.
We are selling two matching sign designs (see below). Both are cut from one single piece of metal and each half will be split, going to different homes across Christchurch and New Zealand. Each owner will know somewhere out there is a ‘stranger’ who shares the other half, and made a matching donation – it’s our small way to help reinforce the strength of our community spirit and bring people closer together.
The signs are all made from a special weathering steel which is designed to form its own attractive protective rust layer. These signs should last many years outside without needing any other special care or painting. This protective rust layer has an attractive rustic charm, so no further treatment or painting is needed. Please note, for the first few years, this rust may come off in the rain and can stain other items. Please keep this in mind when choosing where to place your signs.
The outside signs are 29cm wide, and the inner ones are around 26cm long.

All of the money raised will go towards a mix of direct support for the families, as well as other Christchurch charities to support the broader community (such as volunteer counselling services for dealing with the grief).
Signs are $30 each. Email us at fundraising@s2.co.nz if you’d like to pre-order one (and the design you’d like).
Kia Kaha everyone.

I have just seen the Kia Kaha finished product, destination Illinoi, USA!
It is so simple; it will be so effective when hung. Thank you so much for your inventiveness and wanting to do something to raise funds for others.